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JCAT – Jaguar Community Action Team

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JCAT – Jaguar Community Action Team (Parent, Teacher, Student, and Community Organization)

The JCAT supports our school's purpose of providing quality education for every child.  We assist in building community within the school. We also promote activities that enhance the joy and well-being of every Dove Mountain CSTEM K-8 student, faculty, and staff member.  

The JCAT mission is to create a close relationship between home, school, and community by providing an opportunity for all parents/guardians to become involved at our school.

Our meetings will be held on Thursday once a month at 6:00pm in the cafeteria with a few exceptions due to school calendar.  Please check Jag Wire for notifications. 

Great News! The Jaguar Community Action Team (JCAT) has been approved by Fry's Community Rewards! Login to your Fry's account, and search for Jaguar Community Action Team (which is organization CP455). That is all that you have to do! Once you have enrolled, Fry's will keep track of your purchases, and a portion will come back to JCAT. 

Box Tops for Education and Amazon Smile are all in the process right now. Look for announcements in your weekly emails, as the time to sign up for each of the programs is coming soon! 

Contact Us:

The JCAT – Jaguar Community Action Team can be contacted by email.

Stay Connected:
Keep up with us on Facebook for updated programming information and other fun tidbits.  Also, read the JCAT Corner in the Jag Wire communication sent out each Friday by the principal. 

It is our belief that working together as a team enriches the lives of our children!